
Nava Pratibha

Nava Pratibha

Kick-start your future with Amara Raja.

An induction and training programme for fresh talent hires in a professional and nurturing environment, shaping young minds to unleash their full potential.


SUKALPA – Amara Raja Management and Engineering Trainee program for students from ‘Premier (Tier 1) Institutions’.

ARGMP – Amara Raja Graduate Engineering Trainee & Management Trainee Programme

ARGTP – Amara Raja Graduate & Technical Trainee Programme

ARTS - Amara Raja Training Scheme for Operatives

ARTIST - Amara Raja Training Scheme for Industrial Services Trainees

ARSDC - Students who successfully pass out of our Amara Raja Skill Development Centre also get opportunity to be placed in Amara Raja subject to availability of positions.

Internship & Apprenticeship

Short and medium Internships and Apprenticeships for students are provided to get first-hand experience of the Industrial and the Corporate World. Designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours of interns and showing them the boundless opportunities for their careers.